Spring into Style!


March is here and Spring is in the air. Already flowers are blooming and my hyacinths and tulips are starting to sprout.

That means it’s about time to start cleaning the closet and doing your Spring transition. Either moving those winter items to another closet or pulling Spring forward and moving Winter to a lesser dominant location.

For now, its transition time, pull in some lighter, brighter colors. Mix lighter weight dresses with boots or kicks. Add some brighter blouses and tops to really shine on camera. We are going to continue with video conferencing so why not up your game? One thing I’ve been playing with is color, prints and different necklines. Of course you want to dress on camera for your neckline be it a long or short neck, the cuts of tops and collars will influence your appearance, so know which neckline best suits you and your décolletage.

I say get creative. My prediction as we start to lift restrictions is people are going to go Glam. We can do that on camera now. Try sweaters with embellishments, pearls sewn in or extra ruffles and elements. Fringe is a fun trend this season or “pop” your cardigan or jacket with some great color.

Jewelry is another way to throw in some glamour. Use colored gemstones, larger earrings or necklaces. For the shorter neckline try a small gemstone earring and matching necklace. Check our my friend Emily’s new Spring line at www.jewelrylush.com she designs and makes casual, elegant jewelry for everyday wear. I typically sport her hoops and her new Basic line is to die for.

So Spring into Style- start thinking about those transitional pieces, next month is a great time to do the big closet edit, start planning now.

Have a Styling Day!


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