All Zoomed Up!
If there’s one thing we learned during the pandemic, it’s that video conferencing is not going away and is a necessary component to how we conduct our business.
How you show up on camera is equally as important as how you show up in person.
Your Brand is a visual representation of you/your organization as well as the energy that surrounds it. The look, feel, voice, and style around how you deliver your products or services. This is what is recognized as your Brand.
Your Style is a distinctive manner of expression. Your personal style is expressing yourself through what you wear. It’s a unique form of clothing or way or arranging your appearance.
Bring these together and you have your Brand Style Personality.
Last week in my blog, Do You Know What to Wear to Work? I spoke of the different types of work environments and dress codes. These still hold true even when you are working from home. Granted they are more than likely in the Casual, Business Casual or Smart Business dress codes yet they still do hold. When meeting someone on screen you want to communicate the same level of professionalism and confidence as you do in person.
When the pandemic hit, I noticed most people throwing all dress code norms out the window. People were showing up on camera in their old college hoodies, no hair and makeup, with poor lighting and backgrounds. I was getting dressed from the “Waist Up” however I did pay attention to what was on top; my hair, make up, lighting, sound, and distractions. Was my door shut so my cat didn’t suddenly jump up on the desk and take over the camera? It became clear that many people did not realize that how they showed up on camera was the same as how they showed up in person. First impressions still matter, people do judge a book by its cover. As much as we don’t want to believe it there is truth in those statements. It’s not that I believe I get my value from what other people think of me. But I do believe in self-care, looking my best and showing the world that I value myself. Being true to myself by expressing my style authentically and knowing my Brand Personality to attract those clients and people I want in my life.
I partnered with my friend photographer and Brand Marketing Ninja Amanda Goff and make-up artist Paige Turk to create a course we called ALL ZOOMED UP. In it we’ve addressed how to dress (from the waist up), how to set your camera, lighting, background up and how to use make up and moisturizer to enhance your skin, hair and eyes. All three of these elements are critical to showing up your best on camera.
I’ve realized we are still not putting our best face forward when it comes to video conferencing. So today we are re-launching ALL ZOOMED UP. Click on the Sign Up box and learn how you can implement these simple strategies and bring your A-Game on video. It is sure to up-level your online presence so that you feel Comfortable, Confident, and Styled!
Have a Styling Day!