Top 3 Tips to Optimizing & Organizing your closet!
“My closet’s such a mess!” “I have a closet FULL of clothes and nothing to wear!”
This is a common theme amongst my clients and women I meet.
Too many bright and successful women struggle with having a wardrobe they love with clothes they wear. They feel uninspired and uncomfortable and are stuck with clothes that don’t express their personality and brand.
Studies show our clothing influences how others respond to us. And our self-image also reflects how we respond to the world. When we feel good about our appearance, we view the world through an empowered lens, and we get powerful results.
So, where do we start? First you want to identify your style personality. Which words best describe you and how you want others to perceive you. Once you have established your style description you use that as your filter going forward in all your style choices.
Next you want to know your body type, which cuts best fit and flatter. Fit is KING when you understand which cuts best fit, you look sharper and are confident.
Then you want to understand which colors best compliment your skin, hair, and eyes.
Lastly your wardrobe must reflect your lifestyle. Style is not separate from your lifestyle. I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into a closet and found tons of clothes for occasions my clients rarely attend. You want your clothes to mirror the life you are living today.
Once you have established these critical elements it is time to edit your closet. Here are the Top 3 Obstacles I find when tackling this task.
#1 Fit
I am waiting to fit into it someday. Again and again, I hear; “I am waiting to lose 10,20, 30 pounds then I will wear it. In the meantime, their closet is full of clothes they cannot wear. This causes brain fog. The clutter gets in the way of seeing which clothes you do have that you can wear.
Rather than waiting for someday, telling yourself “When I” I say get it out of the closet “So You.”
So, you can spend less time getting ready in the morning. So, you can spend more time with your family. So, you feel comfortable and confident in the clothes you are wearing now. I challenge my clients to live in the present and put their best selves forward today. Then that magic of empowerment happens. You feel good about yourself, you look good and start to get powerful results. Maybe you’ll embark on a weight loss journey or maybe not. Either way you’re the master of your destiny and you’re living your life now.
#2 Sentimental Value
This one’s tough because there are emotions wrapped up in the item. If it really has an attachment that you cannot let go, it still needs to leave your closet. I encourage my clients to store it elsewhere- box it up or move it to another closet/location in the house. Another way to hold onto that sentimental item is to re-purpose it. My cousin had a mink coat handed down that she couldn’t part with. Instead of leaving it in her closet taking up much needed space she took it to a seamstress and had it made into a sofa throw. The arms she had made into roll pillows. Now she gets to appreciate it and use it! If you are keeping items because they have special meaning a.) find a new home for them or b.) repurpose it.
#3 Monetary Value
I hear one of 2 reasons why this item is still living in my clients’ closets:
1. I spent a lot of money on it. It was very expensive.
Guess what? You’re not getting your money’s worth if you are not wearing it. Try consigning it or give it to someone you know who would appreciate it. Donate it. You are not getting your ROI (return on investment), so let it go.
2. I got it on SALE and saved (blank) dollars.
Guess what? If you’re not wearing it, you spent money and you didn’t save anything. It is a 0-sum game. Once again, consign, donate, or send it to a clothing recycling center
I appreciate Marie Kondo’s philosophy when it comes to purging. If it’s not serving you any longer it doesn’t belong in your wardrobe.
Once my clients go through this initial process it is so much easier to maintain a closet of clothes they love and wear regularly. They finally get to see those gems that have been waiting to be worn and we identify the missing elements that will round out their wardrobes.
Your wardrobe should be efficient and effortless. With a little work and intention, you can accomplish just that. If you are struggling with your wardrobe I am here to help, schedule a Brand Style Review with me today! I believe everyone has their own unique, signature style sometimes it takes a little training and work to get there, but we’ll get there. And when you do, you will know it; You are Comfortable, Confident, and Styled!
Have a Styling Day!