Inspired Women, Inspire Women

                                                       Inspired Women, Inspire Women

I love this.  So simple and so true; Inspired women do inspire other women.  To be inspired is to be aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence.

  When I think of the many women who I know who have inspired me (directly and indirectly), they’ve positively influenced me and galvanized my growth.

When my friend Ashley asked me to write this blog, I was excited to share with you some of the women in my life who have inspired me.  The common thread amongst all of them is they possess the quality of service.  They are animated to serve and their heart of service in turn inspires others. 

This circle continues to grow & grow, more women become inspired and empowered, then they carry on the legacy.

 A few years ago, the company I was working for sent me to a one-day leadership forum.  For the mid-day panel, we broke up into two separate groups: the men and the women.

  The women’s panel discussion was about how women in the executive world do not support each other or have each other’s backs.  The moderator shared a story as an example.

A man is giving a presentation at his company, and he is tanking.  During a break another man, his peer, approaches him and says, “Man you’re really struggling, how can I help you?”   He gives him advice and encouragement on what to do and how to improve.

 Same circumstance, only now it was a woman giving the presentation.  During the break no one approached her or offered advice, help or encouragement.  The other women present remained silent and she bombed the presentation.

The moderator was addressing this zero-sum game mentality women have in the executive world.  The idea that there’s only room for one at the top and for me to win you must lose.  The panel discussion continued as to how we could support each other and to change this mindset to together we can all succeed.

 I found this conversation intriguing because in my business life that had not been my experience.  Mainly because I was in the retail industry.  I’ve loved retail for its diversity and inclusivity.  The companies I worked for were mostly women led.  I have had a few men bosses and the ones I did work for were quite extraordinary, but the women I have had the honor of working with and for were extra extraordinary!  These women were Leaders, they became my mentors and advocates.  They understood that my success was their success.  From them I learned how to be a leader what good leadership looked like.  I learned that people were your greatest strength and asset.  They empowered me and I then empowered my team. 

The circle unbroken, reaching more and more people.

At that forum I realized how fortunate I was to have worked and thrived in that environment.  Today I am an entrepreneur.  I continue to work with women and my work enables me to empower my clients to be their authentic selves to express their personality and style in their brand and lives.   The women in my life; my friends, those with whom I network and collaborate with, they all embody the ethics of women empowerment, support, and inspiration.

Here they are in all their glory!  Next week’s blog I will be showcasing each of these fantastic women individually and sharing with you why they inspire me, and I know they will inspire you too!

To learn more about Inspired Women Inspire Women and how to purchase your own tee shirt, tank, coffee mugs etc. visit Ashley’s website at the button below.

We all have the duty to lift each other up, in any environment, work, home, place of worship, or just walking down the street. I believe that’s why we are here.

Have a Styling Day


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